Life Documentaries:

when a Life Story just isn’t big enough for it all

If you’ve thought about producing a film to capture the really big story,

then a Lavender Lane Life Documentary can fulfill this vision.

This is a preview for a Life Documentary that was created in collaboration with the Epple family. It involved approximately 2 generous days of location shooting in Roggen, Colorado, plus 1 day of managing legacy images and 7 days of story development, editing, corrections and publishing. The complete film is about 45 minutes in length.

What’s bigger than a Life Story?

It’s a Life Documentary.

These are expanded, in-depth feature films that offer unparalleled opportunities to share your story.

For budgets starting at $9k.

  • In addition to the intentional interview that is the basis for a Life Story, other interviews are conducted throughout the shooting days. These are completed by a storytelling professional in a relaxed and genuine manner.

  • If your life involves stunning settings, interesting activities or curious habits, then the additional footage that is gathered can lend depth to the story.

  • The addition of time for Life Documentaries is counted in days. Perhaps they are concentrated in one location or time is spread between two or more. This aspect of the project is highly customizable.